SF Bay Area Vet House Call List
This list is provided as an introductory reference only. We do not necessarily endorse nor recommend these businesses, so as always make sure to do your own research. This list may not be complete, accurate or up to date. If you have any additions, corrections or comments, please contact us at [email protected].
Service Area Key:
SF = San Francisco County SM = San Mateo County SC = Santa Clara County MC = Marin County NB = North Bay (Sonoma, Napa & Solano Counties) EB = East Bay (Contra Costa, Alameda Counties) TV = Tri-Valley (Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore, San Ramon, Danville) |
euthanasia & hospice only
A Gentle Rest Drs. Gorczyca, Henriksen, Keffler-Roa, Rozycki, Sahaghian and Vuksich (euthanasia only) www.agentlerest.com (415) 729-5435 - serving SF, SM, MC Act of Love - Dr. Chrissy Metzger (consult & euthanasia) www.actoflove.vet (650) 394-2600 - serving SF, SM, SC At Home, At Rest Pet Euthanasia - Dr. Maria Kuty (euthanasia only) www.athome-atrest.com (408) 221-9031 - serving SC Be Kind House Calls - Dr. Marlene Martin (euthanasia only) (510) 741-1313 - serving EB Beloved Cat, Home Euthanasia - Dr. Jennifer Lew (euthanasia-cats & small dogs only) www.belovedcathome.com, (925) 765-2770 serving EB, TV Blue Pearl Pet Hospice (hospice & euthanasia) www.pethospice.com (510) 788-5550 - serving EB, NB Dr. Rene Butler (Lap of Love) (hospice & euthanasia) www.lapoflove.com (707) 344-4101 - serving NB, EB Caring Heart Veterinary Services - Dr. Allegra Liu (euthanasia only) www.caringheartvet.com (650) 418-3663 - serving SF, SC, NB, EB, SM, MC, TV Compassionate Care Cat Hospice - Dr. Susan Chew (hospice & euthanasia- CATS ONLY) www.cathospicevet.com (510) 725-5206 - serving EB, MC Compassion Pet Hospice - Dr. Tiffany Ma (hospice & euthanasia) www.compassionpethospice.com (510) 513-6613 - serving EB Fond Farewell - Dr. Jeni Goedken (euthanasia only) www.thefondfarewell.com (408) 599-7113 - serving SC, SM, EB Golden Gate Veterinary Home Hospice & Euthanasia Dr. Brian Van Horn (hospice & euthanasia) www.goldengatevet.com (415) 665-1340 - serving SF, MC, SM Gone West Vet - Dr. Molly Musman (euthanasia & palliative care) www.gonewestvet.com (707) 775-0897 - serving NB, MC Heaven From Home - Dr. Vanessa Wensing (euthanasia only) www.heavenfromhome.com (925) 500-8050 - serving TV Home Euthanasia Services - Dr Faith Albright (euthanasia only) www.faithalbrightdvm.com (925) 500-8050 - serving SF, EB In Home Pet Euthanasia Directory (hospice & euthanasia) www.inhomepeteuthanasia.com A Nationwide directory of veterinarians who provide in-home end of life care. Lap of Love (hospice & euthanasia) www.lapoflove.com, (855) 933-5683 A Nationwide directory of veterinarians who provide in-home end of life care. Loving at Home Pet Euthanasia - Dr. Margaret Saiki (euthanasia only) www.lovingathomepeteuthanasia.com (408) 348-4559 - serving SC Dr. Torie Neff (Lap of Love) (hospice & euthanasia) www.lapoflove.com (510) 900-3079 - serving EB, TV Peaceful Pathways - Dr. Jenn Winnick (hospice & euthanasia) www.peacefulpathways.com (650) 316-5069 - serving SM, SC, SF-euthanasia only Peaceful Paws - Dr. Gabrielle Ravina (hospice & euthanasia) www.peacefulpawsvet.net (831) 708-9588 - serving SC Pet Loss at Home (hospice & euthanasia) www.petlossathome.com, (877) 219-4811 A Nationwide directory of veterinarians who provide in-home end of life care. Pet's Eternal Rest - Dr. Cheryl Ramos (euthanasia only) www.petseternalrest.com (925) 408-5112 or (925) 939-7387 serving EB, TV Rainbow Bridge Veterinary Services Dr. Anthony Smith - (euthanasia only) www.rainbowbridgevet.com (510) 381-3389 - serving EB, NB, TV Restful Paws Drs. Vine, Chuang, Lowe & Stevens (QOL & euthanasia) www.therestfulpaws.net (408) 242-2792 - serving EB, SM, SC |
general medicine
(including euthanasia) All Animal Mobile Veterinary Clinic Dr. Susan MacInnes (general medicine) www.allanimalmobilevet.com (650) 726-3445 - serving SM Dr. Bennett's Veterinary House Calls (general medicine) www.bennettvet.com (510) 758-7921 or (925) 519-2316 - serving EB BetterVet (general medicine) www.bettervet.com (415) 931-7384 - serving SF Blue Sparrow Holistic Veterinary House Calls Dr. Araba Oglesby (Eastern & Western medicine) www.bluesparrowholistic.com (415) 202-6313 - serving SF, EB 4Paws Mobile Veterinary Services Dr. Michael Sterns (general medicine) www.4paws.vet (650) 445-4500 - serving SM, SC Frazier Mobile Veterinary Services (general medicine) www.fraziermobile.com (510) 556-3477 - serving SF, EB IVA-Inna Veterinary Acupuncture & Mobile Medical Services (general medicine) www.innavet.com (415) 254-9717 - serving - SM Dr. Lah Mobile Vet - Dr. Carol Lah (general medicine) www.drlahmobilevet.com serving SF, SM, SC Lotus Vet House Calls - Drs. Feigenbaum & Dasho (holistic & integrative treatments w/Western vet care) www.lotusvet.com, (415) 484-5842 - serving SF, SM Marin Mobile Vet - Dr. Paige Farnell (general medicine) www.marinmobilevet.com (415) 634-8348 - serving MC Medrano Veterinary Inc.- Dr Marcia Medrano (general medicine) www.medranovets.com (415) 506-8387 - serving SF Dr. Emilie Ravn's Home Vet Care (general medicine, hospice, pall. care, acupuncture) www.drravnshomevetcare.com (415) 299-6629 - serving SF, SM Smith's Veterinary Services - Dr. Kelly Smith (integrative & general medicine) www.smithsvet.com, (415) 231-5222 - serving SF The Kind Vets - Dr. Sarah Daniel (general medicine, palliative & end of life care) www.thekindvets.com, (650) 761-1401 text only serving SF, SM Tri-Valley Mobile Vet Services - Dr. Marianna Juergens (Western & Chinese medicine) www.mobilevetnearme.com (925) 960-1393 - serving EB, TV VetMobile - Dr. Valerie Cantrell (general medicine) www.myvetmobile.com (707) 708-1773 - serving NB Vet On Wheels - Dr. Julio Bolivar Dillon (general medicine) www.vetonwheelssf.com (415) 333-4673 or (650) 873-5817 - serving SF, EB, SM Visiting Vet - Dr. Sybil Murray (general medicine) www.visitingvetcal.com (707) 439-3906 - serving EB, NB Wandering Vet - Dr. Adam Behrens (general medicine) www.wanderingvet.com (415) 376-9780 - serving SF, MC |